The Coalition serves as a catalyst for thoughtful, inclusive decision-making about community growth and development. The Coalition lends the combined resources of its members to communities interested in quality growth planning and development. The work of the Coalition is based on three main objectives:
This work will ensure that all citizens, the development community, and governments benefit from the choices that quality growth provides.
Whether you choose to live in a condo a townhouse, a granny flat or a home in the suburbs, affordable housing options should be available within a community of your preference.
Quality Growth planning choices you make today will encourage the development of driving alternatives, including cycling, walking, ride share, telecommuting. Quality growth planning choices also encourages greater efficiency in public transit, including bus and rail plus opportunities through bus rapid transit (BRT), light rail and commuter rail.
Additional points of interest regarding how transportation affects you:
Do you know what your commute costs? Try this calculation.
Are you aware of rewards being offered to those who ride share?
Green open spaces
Quality Growth ensures green field preservation and open spaces, and creates public recreation areas. Quality growth requires developments to allocate a significant percentage of the area to green space, ensuring a better built environment and efficient land use, and protecting our natural resources such as clean air and water.
The Coalition will lend their expertise and support to local governments who embrace the four principles of Quality Growth. Quality Growth will result in economic growth, efficient transportation modes, and the preservation of natural resources such as water.