Livable Communities Coalition unites with local governments to implement quality growth projects
ATLANTA? May 25, 2006 ? The Livable Communities Coalition (the Coalition) has initiated its first four projects in Metro Atlanta after signing agreements with four local governments to provide expert assistance and resources to implement quality growth projects. The Coalition has teamed up with DeKalb County, Sandy Springs, East Point and Canton to help develop solutions to encourage and enable quality growth.
The Coalition, which was formed ten months ago at the recommendation of the Metro Atlanta Chamber?s Quality Growth Task Force, will provide project support, policy advice and education for the four projects. More specifically, it will provide technical, political and other resources to ensure the projects are aligned with its quality growth principles:
- Support greater densities and mixed use developments in appropriate areas, especially in our region?s centers and transportation corridors
- Increase housing choices by removing barriers that artificially restrict the market
- Integrate transportation and land use decisions
- Guide how greenfield land is developed, promoting more land-efficient development, water resources, conservation, open space preservation and infrastructure optimization
?This level of interest in working with the Coalition makes it clear that the region is excited to make thoughtful, inclusive decisions about how we grow so that we can create communities where all citizens can attain the highest quality of life,? said Jim Durrett, Executive Director, Livable Communities Coalition. ?By engaging with communities to implement quality growth projects, developing and advocating for policies that support quality growth and educating the public about the challenges and opportunities our region faces, we can attain the best living in the Atlanta region for everyone now and in the future.?
?I am delighted with the partnership with the Livable Communities Coalition because it encourages the redevelopment of Roswell Road corridor, which is one of our highest priorities,?
said Eva Galambos, Mayor of Sandy Springs.
Project specifics include:
DeKalb County: Address barriers to developing land at and around the Kensington MARTA Station, including working with MARTA and DeKalb County to encourage and attract development that reflects DeKalb County goals and quality growth principles.
Sandy Springs: Audit planning documents and studies and provide recommendations for quality growth development which is compatible with neighborhood preservation.
East Point: Assist with the implementation of the city?s 2005 Livable Centers Initiative Plan by educating the community about quality growth, reviewing redevelopment potential of the MARTA station and its land holdings and assessing municipal permitting and zoning to encourage quality growth development.
Canton: Assist the city in reaching its Livable Center Initiative goals by engaging the land owners and the development community to leverage the city?s quality growth investments with appropriate redevelopment.
The Atlanta region is expected to grow by 2.3 million residents in the next 25 years. Its current pattern of spread out growth has helped make it one of the least densely developed regions in the top 15 U.S. metro areas and one of the nation?s leaders in traffic congestion. If Atlanta continues this current pattern, there will be a lack of affordable housing near jobs, increased traffic congestion, increased demands on the transportation system and reduced air and water quality.
About the Livable Communities Coalition
The Coalition is a diverse network of leaders, community and economic development experts and resources, all aligned to help the community address the opportunities and challenges of growth and development. It believes that every citizen has an interest in making our growing community a better place now and in the future, and works to serve as a catalyst for thoughtful, inclusive decision making about community growth and development. The Coalition was formed at the recommendation of the Metro Atlanta Chamber?s Quality Growth Talk Force.
About the Livable Centers Initiative
The Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) is an Atlanta Regional Commission program that encourages local jurisdictions to plan and implement strategies that link transportation improvements with land use development strategies to create sustainable, livable communities consistent with regional development policies. Planning grants are awarded on a competitive basis to local governments and non-profit organizations to prepare plans for the enhancement of existing centers and corridors, taking advantage of the infrastructure and private investments committed in these communities and achieving more balanced regional development, reducing vehicle miles traveled and improving air quality.