The Livable Communities Coalition recommends the following web sites for information about smart growth. The sites are listed below under the categories: In the Atlanta Region; Across the State of Georgia and Across the Unites States.
In the Atlanta Region
Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership (ANDP) - An organization that promotes the concept and implements the development of mixed income communities that result in equitable distribution of affordable housing throughout the metropolitan area.
Atlanta Regional Commission - For information about the regional planning and intergovernmental coordination agency for the 10-county metropolitan area including Cherokee County, Clayton County, Cobb County, DeKalb County, Douglas County, Fayette County, Fulton County, Gwinnett County, Henry County and Rockdale County, as well as the City of Atlanta, visit the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC). This site also includes the ARC?s ?Shape of Things to Come? TV show and the ?Envision 6 initiative? addressing the issues, challenges and opportunities for Atlanta.
Central Atlanta Progress - To estimate your commuting costs, visit the Central Atlanta Progress web page that provides an online calculating tool to find true costs of getting to work.
Clean Air Campaign - An organization that offers programs to to improve air quality and reduce traffic congestion.
Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) - A concise guide to understanding and implementing quality growth in your community.
Georgia State University, Center for the Comparative Study of Metropolitan Growth - An academic center that provides students with the chance to learn and grow together as part of a professional network of lawyers and others committed to smart answers to the growth challenges faced by this rapidly growing region.
Georgia Tech: Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development - An organization dedicated to research, building partnerships, and outreach and education on growth and development.
The Civic League for Regional Atlanta - serves as metro Atlanta?s civic league, addressing important issues of regional significance by performing research, educating the citizenry and leadership, building consensus, advocating for the greater public interest, and developing social capital in the region.
Southface Institute - A metro area organization that promotes sustainable homes, workplaces and communities through education, research, advocacy and technical assistance.
U.S. Green Building Council, Atlanta Chapter - Information about Greenbuild-the green building industry exposition and conference.
Across the State of Georgia
Georgia Conservancy - A statewide environmental organization that strives for healthy air, clean water, unspoiled wild places and community green space now and in the future.
Georgia Chapter of the Sierra Club - A local chapter of the Sierra Club that has organized local and county-based coalitions of environmental organizations, neighborhood associations, and others to support Smart Growth for just and sustainable communities.
The Georgia Quality Growth Partnership (GQGP) - An organization of diverse public and private entities that seeks to provide local governments and citizens with the tools and knowledge to transform the way we define, create, and sustain high quality Georgia communities.
University of Georgia, Fanning Institute - An academic center formed to increase awareness and understanding among Georgia policymakers, planners, developers, and the general public of the wide variety of planning tools available for promoting efficient land use in urban and suburban areas.
Across the United States
7th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference - Presentations presented at the recent 7th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference.
Affordable Housing Design Advisor - A tool, resource, idea bank and step-by step guide to design in afforable housing.
American Planning Association - A nonprofit public interest and research organization representing 37,000 practicing planners, officials, and citizens involved with urban and rural planning issues.
American Planning Association New Urbanism Division - A division of the American Planning Association dedicated to promoting the principles of the New Urbanism.
Architecture 2030 -
We recommend that you review an insightful AIA website regarding climate change
Association for Community Design - An international network of individuals, organizations, and institutions committed to increasing the capacity of planning and design professions to better serve communities.
Brookings Institution - A private nonprofit organization devoted to independent research and innovative policy solution.
Congress for the New Urbanism - A non-profit organization that teaches how to implement the principles of the New Urbanism.
International Making Cities Livable -
The International Making Cities Livable Council is an interdisciplinary, international network of individuals and cities dedicated to making our cities and communities more livable. The IMCL Conferences pay special attention to the indispensable role of public spaces for connecting the city's inhabitants and developing community.
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy - An educational institution founded in 1974 to improve the quality of public debate and decisions in the areas of land policy and land-related taxation.
National Center of Smart Growth Research and Education - A non-partisan center for research and leadership training on Smart Growth and related land use issues nationally and internationally.
Natural Resources Defense Council - A site about how the Natural Resources Defense Council is working on smart-growth solutions that can help curtail sprawl and build more sustainable communities.
Project for Public Spaces (PPS) - An organization dedicated to creating and sustaining public spaces that build communities. They provide technical assistance, training, research and other services to communities helping turn their public spaces into vital community places.
Sacramento Council of Governments - An informative brochure with brief explanations on the principles of smart growth.
Smart Growth America - A national clearinghouse of smart growth activities.
Smart Growth on the Ground - The vision for Smart Growth on the Ground is to transform sustainable community design and construction in British Columbia from the exception to the norm.
Sprawlwatch Clearinghouse - A web page that provides links to internet sites, books and other resources related to sprawl.
Surface Transportation Policy Project - A diverse, nationwide coalition that promotes safer communities and smarter transportation choices that enhance the economy, improve public health, promote social equity, and protect the environment.
University of Minnesota�s Center for Sustainable Building Research - A focused look at sustainable building practices.
Urban Land Institute - A national/international organization for the real estate/development/planning/finance community.
U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design-Neighborhood Development - A site with information about the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) for Neighborhood Developments (LEED-ND) Rating System, that integrates the principles of smart growth, urbanism, and green building into the first national standard for neighborhood design.
Quality Growth in other U.S. locations