The Livable Communities Coalition works to improve the quality of life in metropolitan Atlanta by sharing and promoting smart growth principles, advocating public policy that promotes smart growth, and supporting projects that accelerate smart growth. Formed in 2005, the Livable Communities Coalition unites over 50 organizations working to change the way metro Atlanta grows by focusing on land use, transportation, housing, and conservation of open green space and natural resources.
The Livable Communities Coalition is Co-Convener of the eight organization Atlanta TOD Collaborative. This new collaborative, formed in August 2012, will build off of LCC’s 2011-2012 TOD Policy Working Group findings to remove barriers, create incentives, and educate the community about the benefits of transit oriented development.
The Livable Communities Coalition has begun new work in Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Policy in metro Atlanta.
As one of three Co-Conveners of the Atlanta TOD Collaborative, LCC will help lead a 21 point work program that will advance TOD incentives, remove barriers to development, and increase understanding of TOD benefits in the region.
The Atlanta TOD Collaborative consists of the Atlanta Housing Association and Neighborhood-based Developers (“AHAND”); Atlanta Land Trust Collaborative (“ALTC”); Atlanta Regional Commission (“ARC”); Enterprise Community Partners (“Enterprise”);Fulton County/Atlanta Land Bank Authority (“FCALBA”); Georgia STAND-UP (“STAND-UP”); Livable Communities Coalition (“LCC”);and Partnership for Southern Equity (“PSE”). Co-Conveners include LCC, Enterprise Community Partners and the Atlanta Land Trust Collaborative.
Through our work on the Atlanta TOD Collaborative, LCC’s ultimate goal is to realize high quality, walkable, mixed use development in and around our existing transit station areas.