A New Roadmap for Workforce Housing in DeKalb County: Completed in July 2010, this report (and executive summary) takes a comprehensive look at workforce housing in one of metro Atlanta's core counties. Workforce housing is defined as housing affordable to those making 60% to 120% of the county median income, or $33,000-$66,000 as of 2008. This study explores the availabilty of workforce housing not only in the context of costs to such households, but also access to transportation and jobs, economic development, and governmental organization. An appendix of relevant best practices and examples is included.
Coordinating Investments with Development Patterns: This report (and executive summary) was completed by the Coalition in August 2009 for the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority in anticipation of the drafting of the Statewide Strategic Transportation Plan.
Denser Development--There's Room for Everyone in Metro Atlanta: This one-page primer outlines the benefits of density.
The Route to Reform--Blueprint for a 21st Century Federal Transportation Program: As Congress takes up debate over the federal surface tranportation program, this document represents the best thinking of many transportation professionals, public officials, and stakeholders, who were convened by Transportation for America to outline in detail the policy frameworks that will build a national program capable of laying the groundwork for a prosperous future. (Click here for the Executive Summary.)
Transportation Solutions for Metro Atlanta: Useful as a discussion guide for groups or meetings concerned with transportation reform in Georgia, this one-page handout makes the case that Atlanta can solve its transportation problems by linking transportation investments with development patterns.
Guiding Growth and Development in Georgia: For any citizen, civic leader, or elected official interested in building economically and environmentally viable communities, this guide is the place to start. Covering the land use laws and planning tools available in Georgia, this guide provides an overview of the resources, laws, terms, and concepts essential for putting them to good use.
Greenfield Development Guidelines: A one-page handout for handy reference or distribution at public meetings, Greenfield Development Guidelines provides an overview of practices that lead to smarter growth and development on greenfields ? previously undeveloped land.
Housing Choice Guidelines: Written in non-technical language, the Coalition?s Housing Choice Guidelines is meant to serve as a handout or discussion guide at any meeting where mixed uses, housing, multifamily housing, or affordable housing are topics. It provides a quick overview of factors that contribute to the creation of livable, lifelong, and complete communities. It also suggests goals that citizens and communities can jointly work toward.
Smart Growth Toolkit: Developed by the Smart Growth Leadership Institute, a Smart Growth America project that gets funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Smart Growth Toolkit shows citizens how, where, and when they can apply smart growth principles to growth and development in their communities. This is concise, must-have material for citizens who want to bring or accelerate smart growth in their communities.
Citizen Guidelines: We all have an interest in making our growing Atlanta community a better place. Our continued growth and development involves many choices: where people will live, how the transportation system will work best, how to balance economic and environmental needs, and how to create communities where all citizens can attain the highest quality of life. How we grow matters and you can help.
A wealth of other guidance, facts, case studies, and tips can also be found on the Web sites of Livable Communities Coalition member organizations. Additionally, check out the great information and discussions available at these Web sites.
Workforce Housing in DeKalb County
Transportation Solutions
Guiding Growth
Greenfield Development Guidelines
Citizen Guidelines
Coalition Members