Whether it?s an introduction to basic smart growth principles, a discussion of the challenges posed by metro Atlanta's transportation network, or an exploration of issues like increasing density or the importance of affordable housing near transit, the Livable Communities Coalition can provide speakers or educational materials appropriate to events ranging from a civic club luncheon to a facilitated, multi-day workshop. Past events include:
- Presentations to the public on the importance of increasing density along the Beltline.
- Presentation to government committees on the need to link transportation investments with development patterns, particularly in job centers.
- Facilitated discussions with local civic groups on the importance of incorporating smart growth development patterns along commercial corridors.
Educational materials include:
- Discussion aids and citizen-friendly planning aids on topics ranging from greenfield development to transportation.
- Frequently asked questions and a glossary of smart growth terms.
- A Smart Growth Toolkit that can take communities from goal setting to implementation.
- Guiding Growth, a guide to planning and zoning law written for use by local elected officials and citizens.
- Illustrated examples of smart growth principles and successful local, regional, and national projects.
- Best practices and model ordinances and regulations that promote smart growth outcomes, such as workforce housing and transit-oriented development.